SYSTEM60 is our flagship 60-minute strength and conditioning program at SYST[EM] Athletics and the foundation of why so many choose our gym. Known for delivering results, SYSTEM60 combines hard work, community, and science-backed programming. The format follows a structured, progressive "periodization" model, challenging members to push through various phases of strength, endurance, and skill. This carefully designed approach promotes consistent adaptations, helping your body build muscle, increase endurance, and improve overall fitness.
Each session is high-energy, with a supportive group atmosphere that fosters friendships and motivation. As you progress, the varied workouts keep your body responding and adapting, which is key to long-term improvement. With SYSTEM60, you’ll work hard, see results, build connections, and keep coming back for more.
SYSTEM60 is designed to make your fitness journey simple, structured, and effective. Here’s how it works:
Reserve Your Spot - Book your class through our app to secure your place.
Show Up and Get Ready - Arrive ready to work hard with a coach-led warm-up to prepare your body for the session.
Follow the Program - Each class follows our structured periodization approach, with coaches guiding you through each exercise, set, and phase for optimal progression and safety.
Work as a Team, Improve Individually - You’ll be working alongside fellow members who push each other to get better, with a coach ensuring you get the most out of every workout.
See Consistent Results - The combination of varied workouts and progressive adaptations means you’ll see steady improvements in strength, endurance, and overall fitness.